This property is for sale - be secure and peaceful in 2024

Bottle Brush tree flowersA boarding kennel home and property in prime location, on acreage in South Australia! These kinds of properties are rare, especially ones in a good location. A row of dog boarding kennels.
There is direct access to the property off the highway, which is ideal for customers and also truck drivers.

Keep all your dogs, cats, horses, sheep, goats, chickens, ducks and much more safe - all in one place.

--- Any potentially interested buyers will be referred to our Real Estate agent. ---

Excellent business location

Truck, leaving a property.
Wheat transport truck leaving property - directly onto highway.

The property is closely positioned to a major highway, shops, petrol stations, mailboxes, mechanics, schools with bus at gate, (motor) sporting facilities, CFS, ambulance and under an hour’s drive to Adelaide’s inner suburbs - university/vet only around 35 minutes away. Easy access to potential customers.
Only a short fifteen minute drive to the local beach and boating ramp.

By the way - all the pictures you see on our website were taken by us - they are not stock photographs!

Potential business opportunities

1. Twenty-nine licensed boarding/breeding dog kennels and one licensed cattery with five lockable compartments.

2. Seventy-two acres of fertile land, whereby around sixty-two acres are used for planting wheat, resulting in rich harvests each year. (See “Property” page for pictures)

3. The drawings at the end of the “Property” page are reflecting an artist’s ideas for quality and attractive two- and three bedroom homes (about $100,000 each) for renting them out to interstate and overseas tourists, accompanied with and without pets, subject to council approval.

Dog in horse-paddock, looking out towards a field and the sunset.

Our acreage is ideal for growing crops. One of our large rescue dogs on his daily exercise route near the horse paddock, looking towards the freshly sewn wheat field.

Genuine reason for sale

A recently-sewn wheat field
Wheat field at back of property

Because of the present owners’ age and health reasons, their attractive dog and cat boarding property with licensed kennels and cattery is now on the market.
(Though, it was used exclusively by the present owners as a private and therefore domestic pet-sanctuary only.)

However, our property can be exchanged as well for a much smaller residential (or rural) property of around two acres (up to ten acres), but closely positioned to the respective capital cities of WA, SA, Victoria, NSW, QLD, ACT or Tasmania.

Contact us

We can answer many questions, and will refer seriously interested buyers to our Real Estate agent.
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